domenica 2 luglio 2023

The story of God's creation, Adam and Eve

 The story of God's see, Adam and Eve, their exit from Paradise and their descent to earth

In the beginning there was Iblis, who is the devil, and the angels in Paradise, and God created Iblis from fire and the angels from light. Why do you not know, and He taught Adam all the names, then He showed them to the angels, and He said: Inform me of the names of these, if you are truthful. and Eve to be successors on earth and to worship God and enjoy His blessings and blessings. God gave Adam knowledge and wisdom

His bounty over many of those who created a preference and gave him the ability to make the right decisions and the responsibility for managing the land. Adam and Eve are assigned to live in the Garden of Paradise and enjoy all the blessings that God has given them.

But Adam and Eve were commanded not to eat from a specific tree in Paradise. But they deviated from the wisdom that God gave them and obeyed and helped Satan, who seduced them with false and illusory promises. Thus, God's command came to expel them from heaven and enter the earth, and that was their punishment for violating the command of their Lord. After they came down to earth, the life of Adam and Eve was completely different from their life in heaven. They faced new difficulties and challenges in facing the lusts of the soul and the trials of the world.

However, God Almighty showed His mercy and forgiveness towards Adam and Eve. They learned from their mistakes and regretted their disobedience, and continued to worship God and seek His pleasure. Although they were expelled from Paradise, God Almighty gave them an opportunity to repent, seek forgiveness, and return to Him. God made it clear that if they repent, seek forgiveness, and do righteous deeds, He will accept their repentance and grant them forgiveness and mercy.

In this way, we find that the story of the creation of Adam and Eve and their descent from Paradise carries a lesson in it and an admonition to humanity that God Almighty appoints for them the righteous and purposeful imam and the wisdom in their minds and minds, and He is the one who governs their fate and their lives. When they deviate from the path of truth and disobey His commands, they must repent, repent, and seek to restore God's will. By returning to God, humanity can achieve forgiveness, contentment, and happiness in this life and the next. God's creation of Adam and Eve is one of the important events that the Holy Qur'an talks about. According to the Qur'an, God decided to create man - Adam and Eve - and give them the ability to think, discern and use reason. This unique human characteristic is what distinguishes humans from all other creatures created by God.

With regard to Adam and Eve's descent from Paradise, the Holy Qur'an tells the story of God's dealings with them after they were deluded by Satan's command. After Adam disobeyed the divine command to eat the forbidden tree, he repented and God repented and did not punish him harshly. God showed His mercy and forgave Adam after he repented and asked for forgiveness. And then God commanded Adam to come down to earth and started his offspring on earth.

On the other hand, Adam and Eve's descent from Paradise had its consequences. For they had lost Heaven, and had suffered pain and hardship on earth. However, God did not completely abandon them, but kept watching and caring for them. God is the wise who tests people, advises them, and guides them to the right path.

Thus, the story of Adam and Eve reflects a key teaching in Islam regarding the preference for reason, sound thinking, and obedience to God. It also highlights God's mercy, his accepted repentance, and his ability to provide advice and guidance in the face of the challenges facing humanity. Caring for the mind and reconciliation with God can lead to happiness and balance in life. in

venerdì 30 giugno 2023

 # Islamic Holidays: Significance and Importance

Islamic holidays provide an opportunity for Muslims to connect and strengthen bonds of solidarity and love among community members. Muslims celebrate two main holidays: Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. Eid al-Fitr comes after the holy month of Ramadan, and Eid al-Adha is celebrated on the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijjah, during the Hajj season.

## Eid al-Fitr

Eid al-Fitr is the first Islamic holiday and comes after the holy month of Ramadan, during which Muslims fast and engage in worship. The celebration begins with the Eid prayer in large mosques or open prayer grounds, followed by the sermon, where the speaker offers advice and reminds the congregation of the importance of piety and good deeds.

Eid al-Fitr includes the distribution of Zakat al-Fitr, which is obligatory for every Muslim able to provide it. It is distributed to the poor and needy before the Eid prayer. Eid al-Fitr is an opportunity to strengthen family and social ties, exchange greetings and visits among relatives and friends, and give gifts to children.

## Eid al-Adha

Eid al-Adha falls on the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijjah and is the second Islamic holiday. This holiday is associated with the story of Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail, and their willingness to sacrifice for Allah. The celebrations begin with the Eid prayer, followed by the sermon and supplications.

Eid al-Adha includes the ritual of animal sacrifice, during which Muslims slaughter animals (sheep, cows, or camels) and distribute the meat among the poor, needy, relatives, and friends. Eid al-Adha provides an opportunity for social interaction, reciprocal visits among relatives and friends, exchanging greetings, and participating in recreational and cultural activities.

## Significance of Islamic Holidays

1. **Strengthening social bonds:** Holidays provide an opportunity for Muslims to connect and strengthen bonds of solidarity and love among community members.

2. **Mutual support and compassion:** Holidays encourage social solidarity, cooperation, and assistance to the poor and needy through the distribution of charity and sacrificial meat.

3. **Education and guidance:** Holidays serve as an occasion to guide Muslims and remind them of the importance of good deeds, piety, and cooperation in righteousness.

4. **Strengthening family ties:** Holidays contribute to strengthening family and social bonds through exchanging visits, greetings, and compassion among relatives and friends.

5. **Entertainment and recreation:** Holidays offer an opportunity for Muslims to enjoy and entertain themselves after a period of religious obligations and worship, as they participate in various recreational and cultural activities.

In conclusion, Islamic holidays provide an opportunity for Muslims to connect and strengthen bonds of solidarity and love among community members. Muslims celebrate two main holidays: Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, which include various rituals and teachings aimed at guiding Muslims and strengthening their social and family bonds.

giovedì 29 giugno 2023

L'Islam chiede di diffondere la pace

 L'#Islam chiama il mondo alla pace

L'Islam è una religione professata da quasi un quarto della popolazione mondiale e basata sulla fede in un solo Dio e nel Corano. La parola araba "Islam" significa abbandono a Dio, o la pace che nasce da questo abbandono. In questo articolo discuteremo dell'idea di pace nell'Islam e di come invita i credenti a raggiungerla.

La pace è uno dei concetti più importanti dell'Islam. È considerato un valore fondamentale nei suoi insegnamenti e nelle sue sentenze. Il Sacro Corano inizia con la frase "Nel nome di Dio, il Compassionevole, il Misericordioso", che esprime la misericordia e la pace di Dio sull'umanità. L'Islam sottolinea anche che la pace è la condizione umana naturale e invita i credenti a lavorare su di essa.

Il Corano esorta i musulmani a convivere pacificamente con tutti gli esseri umani, indipendentemente dalla loro religione o nazionalità. L'Islam incoraggia la costruzione di relazioni forti e sostenibili tra le nazioni e incoraggia la cooperazione reciproca e la comprensione reciproca. Dio Onnipotente disse in Surat al-Hujurat (versetto 13): “O umanità, vi abbiamo creato da un maschio e una femmina, e vi abbiamo creato in nazioni e tribù in modo che possiate conoscervi l'un l'altro.

La giustizia nell'Islam svolge un ruolo importante nel raggiungimento della pace. L'Islam dirige i credenti a trattare in modo equo con gli altri e ad agire con integrità e onestà. Dio Onnipotente ha detto nella Surah Al-Maida (versetto 8): “O voi che avete creduto!

L'Islam chiede anche un dialogo costruttivo in caso di conflitto. Il Corano esorta i musulmani a usare il dialogo e il negoziato come mezzo per raggiungere una risoluzione pacifica delle divergenze. Dio Onnipotente ha detto nella Surat Al-Anfal (versetto 61): "E se inclinano alla pace, allora inclini a Lui e riponi la loro fiducia in Dio. Egli è l'Onnisciente, l'Onnisciente".

L'Islam incoraggia anche la riconciliazione e la tolleranza. Il Corano comanda ai musulmani di aiutare le persone a riconciliarsi e le esorta a essere tolleranti e tolleranti. Dio Onnipotente ha detto nella Surah Al-Shura (versetto 40): “E la ricompensa per il male è simile.

I valori islamici incoraggiano la compassione e la cooperazione con i poveri e i bisognosi. I musulmani considerano la zakat un terzo pilastro dell'Islam, che è la fornitura di una certa percentuale di ricchezza ai poveri e ai bisognosi. Questo sistema contribuisce a rafforzare la solidarietà sociale e la pace nella società.

L'Islam chiede di diffondere la pace a livello familiare e comunitario. La famiglia islamica è considerata una culla di retta educazione che aiuta a costruire società stabili e pacifiche. Dio Onnipotente ha detto in Surat Al-Furqan (versetto 74): "E quelli che dicono: 'Nostro Signore, concedici occhi tra le nostre donne e la nostra prole, e rendici capi dei giusti'".

In conclusione di questo articolo, si può dire che l'Islam chiama il mondo alla pace attraverso i suoi insegnamenti e testi coranici. L'Islam incoraggia la convivenza pacifica con gli altri e chiede giustizia, dialogo e riconciliazione tra le persone. Promuove anche l'empatia e la solidarietà sociale per costruire società stabili e pacifiche. Seguendo questi insegnamenti, i musulmani possono aiutare a diffondere la pace e la comprensione reciproca tra le nazioni.

The story of God's creation, Adam and Eve

 The story of God's see, Adam and Eve, their exit from Paradise and their descent to earth In the beginning there was Iblis, who is the ...